To solve these calculations, we will need to find a common denominator for each pair of fractions, perform the operation, and simplify the result.
2/9 + 7/18:Common denominator = 18(4/18) + (7/18) = 11/18
5/18 - 1/3:Common denominator = 18(5/18) - (6/18) = -1/18
17/18 - 5/9:Common denominator = 18(17/18) - (10/18) = 7/18
Therefore, the results are:
To solve these calculations, we will need to find a common denominator for each pair of fractions, perform the operation, and simplify the result.
2/9 + 7/18:
Common denominator = 18
(4/18) + (7/18) = 11/18
5/18 - 1/3:
Common denominator = 18
(5/18) - (6/18) = -1/18
17/18 - 5/9:
Common denominator = 18
(17/18) - (10/18) = 7/18
Therefore, the results are:
2/9 + 7/18 = 11/185/18 - 1/3 = -1/1817/18 - 5/9 = 7/18