To add fractions, we first need to find a common denominator for all the fractions involved.
Common denominator for 12, 16, and 24 is 48.
So, our equation becomes:
(21/48) - (9/48) - (10/48) + (12/48)
Now we can add the fractions:
21 - 9 - 10 + 12 = 14
Therefore, the answer is 14/48, which can be simplified to 7/24.
To add fractions, we first need to find a common denominator for all the fractions involved.
Common denominator for 12, 16, and 24 is 48.
So, our equation becomes:
(21/48) - (9/48) - (10/48) + (12/48)
Now we can add the fractions:
21 - 9 - 10 + 12 = 14
Therefore, the answer is 14/48, which can be simplified to 7/24.