To solve this equation, we first need to convert the fractions to a common denominator. The common denominator for 200 and 200 is 200.
37 7/200 + X = 39 4/200
Now, we can add the fractions:
37 7/200 + X = 39 4/20037 7/200 = 37.03539 4/200 = 39.02
So, the equation becomes:
37.035 + X = 39.02
Now, we can solve for X:
X = 39.02 - 37.035X = 1.985
Therefore, the value of X is 1.985.
To solve this equation, we first need to convert the fractions to a common denominator. The common denominator for 200 and 200 is 200.
37 7/200 + X = 39 4/200
Now, we can add the fractions:
37 7/200 + X = 39 4/200
37 7/200 = 37.035
39 4/200 = 39.02
So, the equation becomes:
37.035 + X = 39.02
Now, we can solve for X:
X = 39.02 - 37.035
X = 1.985
Therefore, the value of X is 1.985.