To solve this expression, we first need to simplify the numerator and denominator individually before performing the division.
Numerator:770 + 126 = 896896 / 542 = 1.6539 (rounded to four decimal places)
Denominator:406 - 117 = 289289 - 47 = 242242 + 000 (ignoring the zeros) = 242
Now we can divide the numerator by the denominator:1.6539 / 242 ≈ 0.00683
To solve this expression, we first need to simplify the numerator and denominator individually before performing the division.
770 + 126 = 896
896 / 542 = 1.6539 (rounded to four decimal places)
406 - 117 = 289
289 - 47 = 242
242 + 000 (ignoring the zeros) = 242
Now we can divide the numerator by the denominator:
1.6539 / 242 ≈ 0.00683