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1.The French utopian Saint-Simon believed that the ideal state of the future (to have) to be run by scientists and "industrialists".
2.He thought that this (to enable) large-scale industry to develop on a scientific basic
3.Thomas More,the great English humanist,understood that the development of wool mills in England (to lead) lead to the expulsion of peasants from their lands.
Заранее спасибо!

16 Сен 2021 в 19:47
279 +1
The French utopian Saint-Simon believed that the ideal state of the future had to be run by scientists and "industrialists".He thought that this would enable large-scale industry to develop on a scientific basis.Thomas More, the great English humanist, understood that the development of wool mills in England would lead to the expulsion of peasants from their lands.
17 Апр в 11:38
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