The telegram was received on Monday.
George will finish his work in two hours.
The cat is given food three times a day.
This story is often told by granny.
As a rule, our cases are left in the hall.
Sonia was invited to the party yesterday.
Their mother did not allow them to play in the street last week.
The child will not be taken to the Zoo tomorrow.
The window was broken by one of the students on Tuesday.
Their children have eaten too much ice-cream.
The telegram was received on Monday.
George will finish his work in two hours.
The cat is given food three times a day.
This story is often told by granny.
As a rule, our cases are left in the hall.
Sonia was invited to the party yesterday.
Their mother did not allow them to play in the street last week.
The child will not be taken to the Zoo tomorrow.
The window was broken by one of the students on Tuesday.
Their children have eaten too much ice-cream.