begin // Input radius of the circle write('Enter the radius of the circle: '); readln(radius);
// Input side of the square write('Enter the side of the square: '); readln(side);
// Calculate area of the circle circleArea := Pi radius radius;
// Calculate area of the square squareArea := side * side;
// Compare the areas if circleArea < squareArea then writeln('The area of the circle is smaller') else if squareArea < circleArea then writeln('The area of the square is smaller') else writeln('The areas are equal'); end.
program CircleSquareComparison;
radius, side, circleArea, squareArea: real;
// Input radius of the circle
write('Enter the radius of the circle: ');
// Input side of the square
write('Enter the side of the square: ');
// Calculate area of the circle
circleArea := Pi radius radius;
// Calculate area of the square
squareArea := side * side;
// Compare the areas
if circleArea < squareArea then
writeln('The area of the circle is smaller')
else if squareArea < circleArea then
writeln('The area of the square is smaller')
writeln('The areas are equal');