First, we need to calculate inside the parentheses:
3.2 - 2.491 = 0.709
Next, we calculate the numerator of the fraction:
3500.2:0.86*0.709 = 2927.436
Next, we calculate the denominator of the fraction:
2.8*8.6 - 19.58 = 15.88
Next, we divide the numerator by the denominator:
2927.436 / 15.88 = 184.086
Finally, we divide the result by 80:
184.086 / 80 ≈ 2.301
Therefore, 3500.2:0.86(3.2-2.491)-31.635:(2.88.6-19.58):80 ≈ 2.301.
First, we need to calculate inside the parentheses:
3.2 - 2.491 = 0.709
Next, we calculate the numerator of the fraction:
3500.2:0.86*0.709 = 2927.436
Next, we calculate the denominator of the fraction:
2.8*8.6 - 19.58 = 15.88
Next, we divide the numerator by the denominator:
2927.436 / 15.88 = 184.086
Finally, we divide the result by 80:
184.086 / 80 ≈ 2.301
Therefore, 3500.2:0.86(3.2-2.491)-31.635:(2.88.6-19.58):80 ≈ 2.301.