To multiply these fractions, first multiply the two numbers in the numerator and then multiply the two numbers in the denominator.
(12/95) (9/38) = (129) / (95*38) = 108 / 3610
Now, multiply this result by 15/16:
(108/3610) (15/16) = (10815) / (3610*16) = 1620 / 57760
Therefore, (12/95 : 9/38) * 15/16 = 1620/57760.
To multiply these fractions, first multiply the two numbers in the numerator and then multiply the two numbers in the denominator.
(12/95) (9/38) = (129) / (95*38) = 108 / 3610
Now, multiply this result by 15/16:
(108/3610) (15/16) = (10815) / (3610*16) = 1620 / 57760
Therefore, (12/95 : 9/38) * 15/16 = 1620/57760.