1/5 - 11/16 - (-0.7125)/3
Convert fractions to a common denominator:
16/80 - 55/80 + 0.7125/3
Combine fractions:
-39/80 + 0.2375
Convert decimal to fraction:
0.2375 = 2375/10000 = 95/400
-39/80 + 95/400
Convert -39/80 to a common denominator:
-195/400 + 95/400 = -100/400
-100/400 = -1/4
Therefore, 1/5 - 11/16 - (-0.7125)/3 = -1/4
1/5 - 11/16 - (-0.7125)/3
Convert fractions to a common denominator:
16/80 - 55/80 + 0.7125/3
Combine fractions:
-39/80 + 0.2375
Convert decimal to fraction:
0.2375 = 2375/10000 = 95/400
Combine fractions:
-39/80 + 95/400
Convert -39/80 to a common denominator:
-195/400 + 95/400 = -100/400
-100/400 = -1/4
Therefore, 1/5 - 11/16 - (-0.7125)/3 = -1/4