The pattern seems to be the number of vowels in each number spelled out.
For 5883= four vowels in "five, eight, eight, three" For 7618= three vowels in "seven, six, one, eight" For 4303= one vowel in "four, three, zero, three" For 6080= five vowels in "six, zero, eight, zero" For 1542= no vowels in "one, five, four, two"
Therefore, for 5614, there are one vowel in the spelled out number "five, six, one, four"
The pattern seems to be the number of vowels in each number spelled out.
For 5883= four vowels in "five, eight, eight, three"
For 7618= three vowels in "seven, six, one, eight"
For 4303= one vowel in "four, three, zero, three"
For 6080= five vowels in "six, zero, eight, zero"
For 1542= no vowels in "one, five, four, two"
Therefore, for 5614, there are one vowel in the spelled out number "five, six, one, four"
Answer: 1